Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Remove Parasites From Your BodyRemove Parasites From Your Body

Parasites can linger unseen in many places, but the most common reason for their infestation is poor hygienic practices. This can start and be spread through:

  • Poorly sanitized food and water
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Foreign travel (food, water, and environment)
  • Pets (not properly dewormed on a regular basis)
  • Insects
  • Sexual intercourse

The likelihood of a parasitic infection will increase with a weakened immune system, which will be compromised from sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, heavy metals (e.g., vaccines, dental fillings), stress and various other toxins. Coffee, wheat, dairy and tap water will also make you a better host for parasites.

– Symptoms of a parasitic infection

Parasite infections have been linked to diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and arthritis. The strength of your immune and endocrine system will determine how severely a parasitic infection will affect you. Not everyone with a parasitic infection will have symptoms, but most will experience one or all of the following:

  • Chronic digestive issues like indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, mucus in stools, leaky gut, nausea, hemorrhoids, burning in stomach, bloody stools and candida.
  • Fatigue
  • Skin disorders like dry skin, eczema, rashes, hives, papular lesions and sores.
  • Mood and anxiety problems such as mood swings, nervousness, depression, forgetfulness, restlessness, and anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances such as insomnia, teeth grinding during sleep, bed wetting and disturbed sleep (multiple awakenings).
  • Weight and appetite problems like weight gain, long standing obesity, loss of appetite or uncontrollable hunger and inability to gain or lose weight.
  • Muscle and joint problems, including muscle pain, joint pain, muscle cramping, numbness of hands and/or feet, pain in navel, heart pain and arthritic pain.
  • Blood disorders such as hypoglycemia and anemia.
  • Sexual and reproductive problems like male impotence, erectile dysfunction, PMS, urinary tract infections, cysts and fibroids, menstrual problems, prostate problems and water retention.
  • Other symptoms such as excessive saliva, unclear vision, bad breath, poor immune system, fever, respiratory problems, peritonitis, chronic viral or bacterial symptoms and body order.
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As you can see, parasites can create a wide range of symptoms and need to be taken seriously in order for you to regain your health.

– Black Walnut, Wormwood and Clove Parasite Treatment

Black walnut hulls (from the black walnut tree – juglans nigra)

Used by the Indians of America as an anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal remedy. Its active ingredients are juglone, tannin and iodine. The tincture of the green hulls of the black walnut kills the adult stages of the parasites.

Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub – artemisia absinthum)

Known for its vermicidal properties and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. It increases the acidity of the stomach and the production of bile. The wormwood capsules kills the larval stages of the parasites

Cloves (from the clove tree – eugenia caryophyllata)

Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It also removes pain. The cloves capsules removes the parasite eggs.

These three herbs must be used together but as separate ingredients. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment.

By Evelyn Smith

Evelyn Smith is a passionate advocate for a healthy vegan lifestyle. She is dedicated to promoting plant-based living and sharing her knowledge and experiences with others. Evelyn believes that a vegan lifestyle not only benefits personal health but also contributes to a more sustainable and compassionate world. With a background in nutrition and wellness, she strives to inspire and educate individuals on the benefits of embracing a vegan diet and lifestyle. When she's not busy spreading the vegan message, Evelyn enjoys exploring new vegan recipes, practicing yoga, and connecting with like-minded individuals on her website, Healthy Vegan Style.

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