Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
5 Signs You Need To Drink More Water5 Signs You Need To Drink More Water

Dehydration is simply when your body does not have as much water and fluids as it should. Water makes up 60-80% of our entire body mass, so it makes sense that when we don’t consume enough, all kinds of issues start to occur!

Not drinking enough water can pose serious threats to your health, including digestive issues, urinary tract infections, premature aging, and anxiety. Consuming plenty of water each day is critical for your body to work at its best, so if you’re not getting enough, your body sends a whole range of signs that let you know you need to top up!

Here are 5 sings that you need to drink more water:

Your mouth, skin, and eyes feel dry

One of the biggest signs you need to drink more water appears on your skin, believe it or not. If you don’t drink enough water, you won’t sweat out all the toxins that have accumulated on your skin, which means you will be prone to clogged pores, which results in breakouts. Sweat also helps get rid of internal toxins, and since the skin is our largest organ, many toxins can be removed through it.

Also, if you have trouble producing tears, a lack of water could be the culprit. This could be especially uncomfortable for those who wear contacts, so make sure you bring a bottle of water with you on errands or to work if you have trouble drinking enough water. Obviously, getting that dry mouth signals to your brain that you need more water, also. Water does so much for our bodies, and in general, that parched feeling you get in your mouth can be felt in other areas of the body, too.

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You’re not using the bathroom often, and when you do, your urine is dark yellow or brown in color

This one is a huge sign that you need to drink more water. Frankly, many people do not use the bathroom enough times throughout the day, which means that toxins are just sitting in their bodies. Water helps flush out these toxins, not to mention, keep your renal system running smoothly. If you make trips to the bathroom only a couple times a day, you should really consider drinking more water.

Also, the color of your urine will paint the true picture of how much water you’re consuming. If your urine isn’t clear at the end of the day, this shows that you need to guzzle down some more water. Yellow or brown urine is a big sign that you’re dehydrated, and means that your body is retaining fluids in order to maintain vital bodily functions.

You have frequent back and joint pain

Since your body’s cartilage is composed of nearly 80% water, replenishing water after sweating is essential for keeping bones and joints healthy. Water keeps joints lubricated in order to lessen the effects of strenuous activities or unexpected exertion, such as falling or tripping. In addition, back pain could indicate a kidney infection due to dehydration, so if you have frequent back aches, drink more water throughout the day.

You feel overly tired and have wild mood swings.

Water brings oxygen into the body. The more oxygenated your cells, the more alive you will feel. However, if you don’t drink enough water, the body must get oxygen from your blood, which creates a deoxygenated environment in your body. When your body doesn’t get adequate oxygen, it starts to operate at a slower pace, which will means it must work harder to keep functioning. This will inevitably make you more tired, moody, and downright lethargic.


You’re insatiably hungry, even if you’ve just eaten

Early signs that you need to drink more can be as subtle as feeling peckish more often. If you’ve eaten enough food during the day but still feel the need to keep snacking, especially on water-based foods such a fruit, this your body’s gentle indicator that you don’t actually need more food, you’re just dehydrated! Try a glass of water instead and see for yourself!

If you want to know exactly how much water you should drink, consult this short video for more information:


By Evelyn Smith

Evelyn Smith is a passionate advocate for a healthy vegan lifestyle. She is dedicated to promoting plant-based living and sharing her knowledge and experiences with others. Evelyn believes that a vegan lifestyle not only benefits personal health but also contributes to a more sustainable and compassionate world. With a background in nutrition and wellness, she strives to inspire and educate individuals on the benefits of embracing a vegan diet and lifestyle. When she's not busy spreading the vegan message, Evelyn enjoys exploring new vegan recipes, practicing yoga, and connecting with like-minded individuals on her website, Healthy Vegan Style.

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